Consistency and small actions can change our lives in unimaginable ways

Feb 27, 2022

Today we are going to talk about Consistency, and I’m going to tell you exactly what to be consistent at to guarantees success, I assure you.. hands down… it’s the key to success.

Hi, im Graham but my friends call me coachGrazy

The information you are about to learn is extremely powerful, it completely changed my life and continues to change it in the most amazing ways. It makes the Seemingly Impossible …. Possible, this simple behaviour has guided me through the biggest challenges of my life and it continues to do so today.

When you learn to unlock and harness the power hidden within consistent small actions you can achieve any challenge life throws at you…. and anything you heart desires.

When you look at people who have been successful in any way you will find they all have this simple behaviour in common.

Cast your mind for a moment to those people who have truly changed the world, people like Gundhi, Nelson Mandela, Opera, Steve Jobs, MalcomX and so on and you will find amongst them individual personalities, many unique and individual traits and habits, but there is one thing you will find they all have in common, they maintained growth through momentum.........

....and they built momentum through SMALL CONSISTENT ACTIONS

With this simple behaviour anyone can change the world !

Have you ever wondered why someone you know, a work mate, a friend, a relative or maybe even yourself; who possesses all the technical skills, education, desire and passion that is needed to succeed, never achieves the success they are capable of and deserve?

This occurs because we often mistake the key to success as being education, training, passion, desire and even money, and although there is no denying that they all help, but the key to massive success, and by that I mean, change the world kind of stuff is actually really simple:

The key is small consistent small actions.

That’s it, there is nothing more to it, SMALL SIMPLE ACTIONS on a CONSISTENT BASIS

Let me give you an example about how this works in a real-life event of my own.

Life throws challenges our way, challenges and obstacles are just part of the journey of life, I have them, you have them, we all do and always will.

Fact is.. if you are an adult and you are alive, you are a survivor and you survived only by facing your challenges and obstacles. But imaging if you could not only survive, imaging if you could navigate life’s challenges with ease and create success from them.

One of the hardest challenges I faced was in my late 30’s, a business deal had gone HORRIBLY WRONG, exactly how that happened is a story for another time, suffice to say I had millions of dollars stollen from me and I was on the verge of bankruptcy.

Not only had I lost millions, I was also left with huge debts to friends and people I loved.

It was the lowest and scariest time of my life. (But as I said that’s a story for another day)

When the dust settled the only asset I had left… if you can call it an asset…. was a piece of land that had a contaminated petrol station on it. It was part of the business partnership that fell over, a part everyone else ran from and left it and all of its debts with me.

Now I knew I only had two choices, take the easy path and declare bankruptcy…. or somehow develop this piece of contaminated land, and hopefully pay of all my debts and get back to at least break even.

Problem was I had never done anything like this, I had never built anything, in fact I did not even know how to renovate my own bathroom. How was I going to remediate a contaminated petrol station site and build a multimillion-dollar development on it, when I had absolutely no money and no experience.

Everyone around me, my friends, my family, my advisors all said I had to go bankrupt and that I could never achieve this thing, it’s just too big and too complicated.

But there was a man who I trusted and respected and when I asked his opinion he simply said, Grazy you can do anything my friend, all you need to do is break it down to small actions and then be consistent in those actions and from that big things will grow.

So I did exactly that and 4 years later I had successfully developed Queens Road Mount Pleasant, a 3 story building with 16 luxury apartments, a supermarket, a café, a restaurant, a hairdresser and a 2 level under croft car park.

I was able to pay back all of my debts and more importantly I was able to look my 2 young boys in the eye and tell them that their dad succeeded and kept all his promises to his friends, family and colleagues.

You see my success was not just about the financial stuff, it was in my heart, life had thrown a massive challenge at me and I wanted my sons to know that anything is possible, all you need to do is focus on consistent small actions and never give up.

After the development I needed to transition into this amazing health and Fitness Industry, so I studied hard and gained my official Health Industry Certifications.

I was now officially certified, and I had been training for most of my life so had the practical experience. I had a goal of building financial freedom through the service of others but like many of you who are getting started or at a crossroad in your Health and Fitness Career or Business, I had absolutely no idea where to start.

So, I turned back to the one thing I knew would not fail, just start taking small actions on a consistent basis and it will grow.

By now I bet you are thinking, yea I get that now, but exactly what should my actions be, and how do I know what steps to take.

I’m not going to go into detail today about how to come up with and implemented your first steps and actions.

But suffice to say it does not really matter, because any simple action taken on a consistent basis grows, it will take shape, it will get you there, it’s just the way it works, and it works every time.

What I have done for you is included a simple worksheet for you to download that will help you identify your first actions, so you can get start today.

I have also included the first simple action that I implemented and with consistency it grew me a client base that produced a six-figure income. The secret was its simplicity and the consistency.

I want to emphasise this, it was not the small actionable steps that were the key to my success, IT WAS the CONSISTENCY at which I carried them out that made the impossible possible. The actions and the steps they will evolve but only if you are consistently implementing them

I wanted to give you a real-life example of how small consistent actions can lead to massive things, massive change and success, making what seems impossible possible.

If like me you want to create your own financial independence so you can have a massive impact on the Health, Fitness and Wellbeing of our communities and the world……….. then it excites me on how this simple strategy can and will play out in your life.

And it all starts with CONSISTENCY

There are thousands of health and social issues facing our communities and the world today that need courageous individuals like yourselves to step up and face these problems….. believe me you are not insignificant, you are not irrelevant, every successful person in the world started out just like you and me.

Never underestimate the power of small, simple actions, executed consistently… and never underestimate yourself, because you with this simple strategy can achieve anything.

When the next person or that voice in your head asks you…. how are YOU going to build this thing you keep talking about, it seems crazy, its big and out of your reach, how are you going to do it.

You will take a step back…… and with a massive confident smile on your face simply say, through small consistent actions.

And your first action is to download your worksheet and get started.

Wherever you are watching, reading or listening to this I sincerely hope I have helped you in some small way and don’t hesitate to reach out to me or my team if and when you need us. 

The world needs inspirational individuals just like you, please help me change the world in a positive way by following me on social. 

You can find me on Instagram at coach underscore grazy, that’s coach underscore G R A Z Y 

Access opportunities, tips, and honest direct advice, simply follow me on: 





Coach, Mentor, Business Advisor 
On Top Performance Academy 


EM:         [email protected] 

I’m coach Grazy and I look forward to chatting again next week.

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