Dont be a slave to your money
Feb 20, 2022Today I’m going to talk about Money and how to manage it so you can stop being a slave to it and make more of it.
Download your FREE Money Management Calculator and Worksheet NOW
Have you ever wanted to start or grow a side hustle, a business or change careers but couldn’t because you were a slave to your money?...... If that’s you, stick with me for a few minutes.
Hi, my name is Graham but my friends call me coachGrazy
I couldn’t be more excited about presenting this information to you as I genuinely believe that the most important thing that anybody can learn regardless of their age, level of income, or their background, is financial literacy and management or their money.
And the ability to fully understand the true financial health of their financial future along with their ability to be able to create financial independence…. financial security…. and financial freedom, is directly proportionate to their understanding and management of money.
Regardless of whether you are just starting out in your side hustle, new business or career and are simply searching for your first few dollars or maybe you are in the building and growth phase, either way what’s the point of generating income, even if it’s just one dollar, if you don’t know how to keep it and use it effectively?
Today you are going to share with you my core and simple principles of money management so you can better understand the big picture stuff about what’s possible when it comes to managing your money efficiently. I mean the money you have right now and how you are going to use it and leverage it effectively to accomplish your personal goals as well as your business goals but also what you are doing with your income moving forward to ensure you maximise you financial health, security and freedom.
As you work with these principles and begin to master them you will be far better positioned to grow your side hustle, business or career and accomplish financial independence, financial security and financial freedom in your life.
OK For those of you who are still here with me………. I want to congratulate you, most people shut down when it comes to this stuff because it’s expected to be boring, difficult to understand and implement and is often a trigger to anxiety and let’s face it most of that is true for most of us, but I want to acknowledge you and I want you to know that I appreciate you…. I really do…. stick with me my friend, this stuff is exciting because its often the gateway to getting started, it’s the stuff that separates those who have from those who have not.
This is not going to be complicated; it’s only going to take a few minutes and I’m going to leave you with a few simple steps that you can implement today.
Now please give me a few seconds to complete the stuff my team tell me I have to do and then we will then jump straight into it.
Neither I coachGrazy nor any of the representatives of On Top Performance Academy or the On Top group of companies are accountants or registered legal or financial advisors. Before making any commercial, legal or financial decisions it is YOUR SOLE RESPONSIBILITY to consult independent professional advisors.
OK let’s go.
To keep this simple and easily executable for you, I’m breaking it down into my 4 principles and 5 steps.
At the end of this presentation, you can download the task sheet and money management calculator, and all you need to do from there is follow the steps provided for you.
Principle number 1 is Efficiency, or to put it another way, it’s how to get the best bang for your bucks. Being efficient with your money means only spending it where and when you need to.
Have you ever gone to your bank balance and thought to yourself with a legitimate bewildered mind, where did all the money go? I used to do this all the time.
Efficiently starts with being aware of where you money is going and by aware, I mean you don’t need to think about it as you subconsciously know.
This subconscious awareness is not as hard to accomplish as you may think. All you need to do is spend some time identifying exactly where every dollar you spend is currently going, and then repeat that behaviour consistently.
When you have the data, you can review what’s necessary or a better word would be review what expenses are ESSENTIAL based on your current financial circumstances, needs and desires…. Identify weather it in alignment with your personal and business goals, if not get rid of it or redirect it so it is.
The steps I’m going to share with you later will teach you exactly how to do this.
Principle number 2. If you are not assessing, you are simply guessing.
When you start tracking your cash flow and focusing on exactly where your money is being spent you will often be blown away at just how much you are wasting or not spending in the right place.
It can be little things like subscriptions we don’t use or need, spontaneous spends like coffees and snacks etc
I spend an hour every Tuesday afternoon reviewing where my money went the previous week and looking for anywhere that I can be more efficient with my money for the next week.
When you are consistent with this behaviour you become 100% aware on a subconscious lever as to where you money is going, this habit alone will change your financial future and your relationship with your money in ways you cannot yet imagine.
I want to remind you that I’m going to give you a calculator and simple worksheet to guide you through this process. You can download below.
PRINCIPLE 3. Maximise your Net Cash Flow so you can put it to use to better your financial health, security and freedom.
By first identifying exactly where you are spending your money and I mean every dollar of it then either redirecting it for better use or getting rid of that expense altogether you will be maximising your Net Cash Flow.
For clarification, gross cash flow is the total off all the money you have coming in each week or month. The Net cash flow is the total of what is left after all of your expenses.
If I have lost you a little, let me bring it together for you.
Review where every dollar was spent last week, assess if each expense is necessary and in alignment with your personal and business goals and then adjust them accordingly and at all times ensure you are maximising my net cash flow because it’s the net cash flow that allows you to invest in yourself and your growth.
PRINCIPLE 4. Pay Yourself First This principle is really important as this is where we want to start getting money to flow to you and then working for you.
I want to first share with you the mistake that most people make and it’s the reason why most people can’t navigate their way to wealth or to even save a little bit of money.
This is what most people do:
- They Make Money
- They Spend Money
- Whatever is left over they save, and guess what, most people following this have no money left over.
Instead, this is what we are going to do:
- Make Money
- Pay Yourself First
- and Whatever is left over is what you can spend.
Have you ever bought a new piece of equipment or a toy or a flat pack from Ikea and the voice in your head is saying read the manual first?
Fact is you know the most efficient and safest way forward is to listen to that voice and read the boring manual first, but you ignore it and only to find that the voice was right, and you end up back at the manual to fix your mistake?
I know I’m that voice in your head, telling you to refer to the boring worksheet and money management calculator but I’m asking you to work with me.
By completing the simple steps I’m about to give you, your journey to launching or growing your side hustle, career or business will be much safer and simpler and it will definitely make things must faster to implement.
Download the money management calculator and worksheet and follow the simple steps.
The 5 steps are:
Step 1:
Print out all your bank statements, because the act of using a pen and circling things ensures that you are not missing anything, it’s important to list every single expense on your Money Management Calculator.
Additionally, the act of using a pen has an awesome learning and retention effect on your brain, it helps with the retention of the information which leads to a faster subconscious awareness of where your money is being spent.
Step 2:
Lock in a Non-Negotiable day and time each week where you will review and work on your financial health, review and update your money management calculator.
The whole process only takes me 30 minutes every Tuesday afternoon.
It’s probably one of the most important 30 minutes in my week.
Step 3:
Identify exactly where your money is currently going by downloading and completing the money management calculator below. It’s as simple as filling it in, you don’t have to think about it, just fill it in and let it show you, but be honest and include every dollar.
Step 4:
Create efficiency in where your money is being spent and make sure you are paying yourself first.
Spend time reviewing every single expense, is it in alignment with your personal and business goals, if not get rid of it or redirect it so it is.
Step 5:
Spend your net cash flow wisely, this is the money you can put to use to grow you, to launch or grow your side hustle, business or career, use it to book that course you always wanted to start, use it for all the things that will serve you and get you closer to your dreams and desires.
CONGRATULATIONS you really are awesome!
I want to again acknowledge you for sticking with me and I congratulate you because by downloading the money management calculator and worksheet and implementing these 5 simple steps you are now in more control of your money that 95% of the people in the world.
I can’t wait to see where this leads you.
Wherever you are watching, reading or listening to this I sincerely hope I have helped you in some small way and don’t hesitate to reach out to me or my team if and when you need us.
The world needs inspirational individuals just like you, please help me change the world in a positive way by following me on social.
You can find me on Instagram at coach underscore grazy, that’s coach underscore G R A Z Y
Access opportunities, tips, and honest direct advice, simply follow me on:
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On Top Performance Academy
I’m coach Grazy and I look forward to chatting again next week.
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