Grow your income by focusing on Impact and Making a Difference!
May 12, 2022Today we are going to talk about your Impact and how focusing on impact and making a significant difference will grow your income exponentially.
Hello, my friends my name is Graham but my friends call me coachGrazy
Today you are going to learn that when you focus on impacting others and making a significant measurable difference in their lives, that you will not only change and save the lives of others but you will grow yourself and your income exponentially.
If you want to grow your income or business to its limitless potential stay with me through this short talk and make sure you download its free worksheet or visit and download the entire FREE Recourses Pack from all of my talks and videos.
I want you to think back to a time when you were employed.
Q: Have you ever been asked by your employer to do something that you knew was not entirely ethical? Something that was intended to persuade a sale or maybe to make a change to internal staff behaviour that was not aligned with your values…. “I certainly have”
I worked in corporate finance and banking for over 15 years and I assure you that industry came with a serious lack of ethics. I decided to leave the industry at the peak of my finance career and many people could not understand why….. the answer was simple!
A: I was not born to be employed and therefore governed by the decisions and directions of others that often times did not align with my beliefs, ethics and values.
So, I made a conscious decision to be self-employed and follow my heart.
That decision changed my life in ways I could not imagine back then.
What you are going to learn today is that you can make more money and have greater success if you focus on the impact you can have on others rather than focusing on the money you can make from them.
As a health industry professional you can make a measurable difference in people’s lives without the need for you or your client to be focusing on money.
I’ll start with defining what impact really means to me; it’s simply the measurable difference we make in people’s lives as a result of their direct contact with us.
Measurable impact means you can prove that you are making an unquestionable, data backed difference in people’s lives. Because when you can measure your impact in this way success is inevitable and your earnings or revenues will expand exponentially.
So how do we get started?
If you have not already done so, download the Free Impact Worksheet.
First you need to define exactly who it is you are helping, exactly what problem you are solving, and exactly how you are going to solve it.
Because you must know all of these things in order to measure them.
I want you to now consider this, traditionally people will mostly focus on the problem that they themselves as a business or individual want to solve, and this is primarily because they want and need to sell the products and services that they have created or have on offer.
This is actually back to front and it is the reason why so many budding entrepreneurs struggle to gain momentum.
When you approach your career or business with a view of first understanding the problem your client actually has and wants you to solve, then you can create and evolve your products and services, so they directly impact people’s needs.
This is also important to help you stay on the impact path when you start making serious money. The key to long term success is to remain focused on the impact not the money.
The amazing thing about impact is the more you focus on making a real and lasting impact in other people's lives, the more your own life is impacted for the better, both financially and emotionally.
Q: When you’re starting out how do you create products and or services that are directly aligned with your audience.
The first step is obvious, but most people don’t rate its importance and value, so they skip it.
Simply ask your audience what they want to achieve, ask them what their ambitions are for the next 4 weeks, then ask them what their ambitions are for the next 12 weeks and then what their ambitions are for the 6 months and beyond.
If your audience is for example women aged between 25 and 40 who want to lose weight and increase their physical fitness, your job is to consider where would they need to begin.
I expect they would begin by learning some simple skills, behaviours and habits, with their ultimate goal likely being the ability to independently control their own health and fitness, so they can be a strong, self-confident, happy and productive individuals. I’m making this up, but you get the idea.
We call this an ambition line, where do they need to start and where do they want to end up. The ambition line grows from a starting point that is specific to the individual.
When we have this information, we can begin to create and evolve products and services that are perfectly aligned with exactly where they are on their ambition line.
Here is another example, let’s say I want to become and awesome parent, where to I start.
Well, the starting point is to have a baby right…then along the way I need to develop the skills of awesome parenting until ultimately one day my kids leave the nest as awesome human beings.
The FREE worksheet from this presentation has a diagram and more detailed description of an ambition line which makes it really easy to visualise.
Make sure you download it or go to and you can get it from there.
When you have an ambition line for your target audience, you can also align the prices of your products and services accordingly, the cost starts small at the beginning and increases up the ambition line.
To be able to continually serve and massively impact your people you must always be aware of where they are at any given time along their ambition line.
An easy way to think about the products and services you will need to provide to ensure a massive impact is to consider the knowledge and skills that they would need to develop to progress along their ambition line.
Let me give you an example of mine, to start with I’m giving you these FREE videos and resources to create awareness of how to get started or grow, but then at some point you want to learn how to set up your own business or career and find your first paying clients, for that I have a short value packed training program called mobilize and its only $149.00
Go to the shop tab on my website to download the info kit or to purchase mobilize, then, if and when you want to develop you entrepreneurial skills and grow a significant career or business, I have a Professionals Program that costs a bit more, and from there you can move on to the membership; you get the idea, my focus is first and foremost always serving you with high impact, great value, and products and services that are aligned to your needs.
When you get this right your clients will also be focused on the massive impact you are having on them and the cost of your products and services become irrelevant because the impact far outweighs any cost.
It really is as simple as a Mind shift.
Imagine you are running your own business, with just a couple of staff. Just pause and imagine the potential increase in productivity if you and everyone in your business was focused on how they can positively impact their co-workers first and then how together you can positively impact your clients.
I strongly recommend creating an ambition line not only for the various demographics of your audience but also for all for your staff, even if you are the only staff.
In summary when you learn to focus on impacting others and making a significant measurable difference in their lives, you will not only change and save the lives of others, you will grow yourself, along with your income and your happiness exponentially.
If you want extra help in setting up your framework for hi impact simply download the FREE worksheet, it contains some simple steps for creating ambition lines along with my five top guidelines for building and growing your ethical influence.
Wherever you are watching, reading or listening to this I sincerely hope I have helped you in some small way and don’t hesitate to reach out to me or my team if and when you need us.
The world needs inspirational individuals just like you, please help me change the world in a positive way by following me on social.
You can find me on Instagram at coach underscore grazy, that’s coach underscore G R A Z Y
Access opportunities, tips, and honest direct advice, simply follow me on:
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I’m coach Grazy and I look forward to chatting again next week.
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