How to effectively navigate the word NO

Mar 07, 2022

Today we are going to talk about how to navigate the word NO with passion and poise, particularly when it comes to building careers and businesses.

The word NO can be a tough pill to swallow when you are trying to build your career or business and have invested time and energy in someone you are trying to help, you offer them the perfect solution and they just say NO.

The word "no" is too often interpreted as a sign to run for the hills when in fact, it should be the exact opposite.

Hello, my friends my name is Graham but my friends call me coachGrazy

Today I’m going to help you navigate through the initial negative emotions associated with the word no.

The information you are about to learn is extremely powerful and when you implement the 5 simple steps in the FREE WORKSHEET the word NO will absolutely excite you rather than scare you.

When it comes to building a career or business the word no is classified as a sales objection.

A sales objection is simply an explicit expression by a buyer that a barrier exists between the current situation and what needs to be satisfied before buying from you.

Beyond that, it's an indication that the buyer is engaged, which is exactly what we want.

A no simply means you still have some work to do.

Have you ever been in a conversation with a friend, partner or family member who was feeling a little low or not quite themselves and without any real conversation you simply ask them ARE YOU OK?

More often than not they will say yes, I’m fine. Then when you ask … is there anything I can do to help; they simply say NO thanks I’m fine.

We know they could use our help and that we truly have some help to offer even if it’s just a shoulder to lean on but because we have not engaged in a deep and meaningful conversation and more importantly listened fully to their needs, we are unable to make a meaningful connection.


I’m going to say that again and I want you to block out all other thoughts from your mind, just listen to me to fully understand what I’m saying, because as soon as you understand this and can rectify it everything will change for you in both your personal and work life.





Let’s bring this back to a scenario where we are in a conversation with a prospective client who says something like, my life is so busy, I don’t have the time to work on my health and fitness at the moment.

Your first reaction when you hear this objection may be to respond immediately, you’re your solution, because as you were hearing the words you were actually thinking about how you will respond.

Learn to resist this temptation.

When you react too quickly, you risk making assumptions about what is being said.

Take the time to listen to the objection then ask open questions so you fully understand what they really mean, then repeat your understanding to ensure you have understood it correctly.

When I’m training people to do this, I will get them to record the conversation they are having, then when we play it back, we use a stopwatch to measure the percentage of time you and your prospect are speaking.

If you are speaking more than 20% of the time you are not asking enough questions or listening effectively.

Another skill to master is when someone says NO do not react defensively.

Train yourself to pause, breath and then ignore any negative emotions you may be feeling so you stay focused on what the buyer is saying, which lets you narrow in on the actual problem they have.

When this is done from the heart, with care and authenticity the connection made is strong and very real.

Listen with the intent of fully understanding the buyer's concerns without bias or anticipation and allow your body language and verbal confirmations to communicate to the buyer that you are listening intently.

Many objections hide underlying issues that the buyer can't or isn't ready to articulate.

Often the true issue isn't what the buyer first tells you first.

It's your job to get to the heart of the objection, and then fully understand it and its true source.

A common objection in the health and fitness industry is I don’t have the time or money right now for a Consult or Membership.

Where in actual fact the real issue lies far beneath the surface.

The real issue could actually be “I’m embarrassed at how I look or I am feeling depressed and anxious I am scared about putting myself out there I really don’t know what I’m doing, and I always fail when I try anything like this and the list goes on.

To understand an objection completely, you must ask permission from the buyer to understand and explore the issue. Once explored, restate the concern as you understand it.

Sometimes when you restate the objection, the buyer sees the issue more fully themselves, and you get closer to the true source of the objection as a result.

Even after the buyer confirms and you believe that you understand perfectly, ask "What else?" and "Why" questions for clarification.

Often it is the answer to that last "What else?" that contains the biggest barrier to moving the sale forward so we can then help this person.

After you're confident you've uncovered all objections, address the most important objection first.

Once you work through the greatest barrier to moving forward, other concerns may no longer matter or feel as important to the buyer.

Once you've responded to the buyer's objections, check if you've satisfied all of their concerns. Just because they are nodded during your response doesn't mean they agreed with everything you said.

Ask if the buyer is happy with your solution and explain your solution further if necessary.

Last but not least… When faced with a NO, don't lose sight of your goal which is to simply overcome the barrier that still exists between the current situation and what needs to be satisfied before buying from you.

Listen to Understand, Respond and Confirm and you will strengthen your relationships not only with buyers, but also with your friends and family.

OK if you have made it this far into my presentation, I want to congratulate you as that makes you someone who wants to listen, learn and grow, you are one in a million and I sincerely appreciate you my friend.

It’s now time to download the FREE worksheet and use its 5-steps to help you learn and master what we have just run through



Wherever you are watching, reading or listening to this I sincerely hope I have helped you in some small way and don’t hesitate to reach out to me or my team if and when you need us. 

The world needs inspirational individuals just like you, please help me change the world in a positive way by following me on social. 

You can find me on Instagram at coach underscore grazy, that’s coach underscore G R A Z Y 

Access opportunities, tips, and honest direct advice, simply follow me on: 





Coach, Mentor, Business Advisor 
On Top Performance Academy 


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I’m coach Grazy and I look forward to chatting again next week.

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