Apr 22, 2022I almost quit
I had been working so hard at building my health and fitness business, it had been 18 months since I had completed my Personal Training accreditation and it was struggling. I had so many commitments, I was studding, I had a mortgage to pay, 2 young kids to parent, another job I was trying to escape just to mention a few…… I almost quit.
I wanted to be happy and content in my work, and of course I wanted to make enough money so I could live the life I was chasing.
What I did not understand back then is that making money is a consequence of being effective.
Nobody knew how I felt because Personal Trainers are always on stage, we have to be fit health and happy all the time, the perception is that we are SO STRONG that we can override our feelings. I almost quit.
I thought to myself I’m not doing this anymore; I just want to get paid for helping people and to be happy doing it. I was mad inside and hurt because my plans did not seem to be working.
Now…… I need to take you back to when I was 6 months into building my business, I was taking a group class in my back yard when a little blue car pulled up in my driveway. I had seen this car stop outside my house many times over the previous weeks but this day it came down my driveway.
The car came to a stop and out stepped a man who was dangerously obese, he just stood there and look over at me. I told my class to take a break and I went over a greeted the man.
He said he had been trying to build up the courage to come and see me and on this particular day managed to make it all the way down the driveway. His story is one of trauma and sadness, you see he had lost his wife who he adored in a terrible car accident and was left alone with a 9-year-old daughter.
You see his wife had run the house for them whilst he worked hard to give them everything they needed financially. He was really struggling and had taken to food and alcohol. I asked him what motivated him to finally come down my driveway.
He said this morning his daughter told him she was scared he was going to die because he was to fat.
We worked together over the next 12 months and with a lot of sweat and tears he lost over 50 kg and regained his physical and mental health.
At this stage as mentioned earlier I had been building my health and fitness business for 18 months, it was hard work and I almost quit. I had so many commitments, study, mortgage, kids, another job I was trying to escape, it was so hard to keep moving forward.
Then one day everything changed, I had put on a BBQ for my clients and was grilling some sausages when all of a sudden, this beautiful young girl came running up to me and jumped into my arms.
She had tears in her eyes and was hugging me so tight. I asked he what was wrong….. She said nothing is wrong, I just want to thank you for saving my dad’s life.
I started crying, she started crying and there was not a dry eye in the place…
It hit me so hard, this is what it’s all about, you cannot put a price on this, and from that day on I never again thought of quitting again.
You see when you put your heart into this industry and just focus on being effective, you cannot yet imagine the rewards that follow.
Never give up, Success is just one client away.
Wherever you are watching, reading or listening to this I sincerely hope I have helped you in some small way and don’t hesitate to reach out to me or my team if and when you need us.
The world needs inspirational individuals just like you, please help me change the world in a positive way by following me on social.
You can find me on Instagram at coach underscore grazy, that’s coach underscore G R A Z Y
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Coach, Mentor, Business Advisor
On Top Performance Academy
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I’m coach Grazy and I look forward to chatting again next week.
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