Move your dreams from IMPOSSIBLE to INEVITABLE!
May 05, 2022Today we are going to reveal the 2 simple choices that will move your dreams from impossible to possible to probable to inevitable. You just need to decide to make 2 simple chooses.
These choices are available to every one of us, regardless of age, education, how much money you have, your gender etc and today I’m going share them with you.
Hello, my friends my name is Graham, but my friends call me coachGrazy.
Of all the free training I have put up online so far, this one excites me the most. I spent days considering what to say in this short presentation because I could honestly write an entire training program on just this subject alone.
I am so excited to be here with you today as I know if you decide to make and stick with these two choices…… I will have served you with real and lasting impact that will change your life.
IF YOU WANT TO JUMP STRAIGHT TO THE 2 CHOICES simply download the FREE worksheet here:
A lot of people ask me what drives me, what keeps propelling me forward, particularly through the tough times.
Well I’m here to tell you that it’s a result of two simple choices I made many years ago and I assure you if you decide to make the same choices, it will change your life in so many positive ways….. forever.
Before we get to the choices, we need to explore the value of identifying amazing things that have happened in your life and then to vision the amazing things that you want to happen in your life…. and when you know how to value both those amazing things that have already happened and those you vision for the future, you will begin to leverage them, so they help propel you towards amazing success.
You are probably thinking what exactly is coachGrazys idea of an amazing event?
Well, I define these amazing events as something tangible that has happened or will happen that would normally be outside of the realm of what is considered possible in your life.
It might be a significant financial gain, a miraculous health recovery, meeting the perfect partner, massive success in your carer or business and so on. The key is that the amazing events must be tangible, in in other words, they must be something real, something that can be seen, touched, felt and most importantly measured.
When POTENTIAL FUTURE AMAZING EVENTS are measurable, they become something you can actually focus on creating. Which is better than coming up with a grand idea or vision and then sitting around in the hope it happens someday.
When an amazing event is measurable and you decide to make the 2 choices that ill share with you later, they will lead you to a pathway of least resistance that will make the amazing events success INEVITABLE.
IF YOU WANT TO JUMP STRAIGHT TO THE 2 CHOICES simply download the FREE worksheet here:
Before making the 2 simple choices I’m about to share with you, you first need to discover how to vision the type of life that you really want and deserve in a way that you can actually physically feel what that life would be like and then it’s about discovering how to close the gap between where you are now and the life you ultimately want.
Sounds a little confusing right, but it’s actually quite simple if you make the right choices.
So, stay tuned you don’t want to miss this.
Let’s start with this statistic of an amazing event that has already happened to you; the chances of you being born a human on earth are over 1 in 400 trillion, so that in itself is an incredible…. Tangible…. Amazing event that has already happened to you.
When you consider this in comparison of you achieving your dream life; the chances of you achieving your dream life comes with much much better odds…. Odds which you can control.
So where do you start to look to identify these amazing events that have already happened in your own life and more particularly how do you start to control the creation of them.
You can’t build a castle on quicksand; you need a strong foundation for that, and neither can you create your dream life without strong foundations and support.
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that working on placing ourselves into the best emotional state possible is exactly the foundation we all need to succeed and amazing things.
It’s about being emotionally stable, positive and calm so we can first really appreciate the miracle of the life we already have, you know what I mean, the miracle of just being alive, the miracle of living on this amazing blue planet, the miracle of friends and family, and the endless opportunity each and every one of us has.
I want you to imagine you have just sat down and listed on a scroll all the POSITIVE things that have happened in your life and I mean all of them, small and large, all of the happy experiences and events, all the positive moments, amazing milestones, laughter, excitement and so on? If you thought back on your entire life this list would be very long right.
Now I’m sure every one of us could also create a list just as long for all the bad things that have happened to us in our lives, and I bet even now some of you are saying to yourselves, I know the bad list seems longer.
Now I want you to imagine you have just done this and you are holding these long lists in your hands, the positive, pleasurable, happy list in your right hand and the negative not so great one in your left hand.
Now what I want you to do is focus only on the positive, good, pleasurable, happy list in your right hand. This is something that 90% of us don’t do, most of us focus only on the bad and that’s also why we think it’s the longer one.
I want you to close your mind to the bad list, seriously just focus on the good list.
I want you to fully understand that the quality of your life and the quality of your state of mind has very little to do with what is actually going on around you.
It does however have everything to do with which list you are focusing on.
You know I have failed at so many things in my life, but I have also succeeded at just as many.
Just one of my personal stories is that I spent 15 years building a successful commercial finance business only to lose it along with millions of dollars, I went from financially stable to the verge of bankruptcy in the course of only a few weeks.
People ask me how this did this event not crush me mentally and my answer is because I focused on the 15 years of amazing success and positive things that happened to me during the journey of building the business, that’s 15 awesome years of my life to focus on, not that single bad event.
Here is another story, at the time of writing this talk, I’m going through a separation.
It comes after 17 years of marriage. If I was to focus on just the separation, I would open the door to negative emotions which would lead to negative actions, but because I focus on the amazing times we had together, the 2 beautiful boys we created and all the other positive, beautiful things that came with the marriage, I remain sincerely happy and content and focused to continuing to build an amazing future.
So, to be able to make and fully commit to the two simple choices I’m about to teach you the starting place is to take control of the quality of your own life now by not allowing negative life circumstances to control your emotional state.
Make a decision now to just focus on the good list and absolutely love the life you have in order to create the life of your dreams.
To help you achieve this I have created a couple of small tasks which you can find in the FREE worksheet that comes with this talk, or from my website at
It’s really important to get this part right and it has to come first.
It’s about appreciating what you have in your life right now, appreciate the people in your life, the experiences even the material possessions, because if you don’t get this right when you do succeed you will be no happier than you are right now.
We see this all too often with people who rose to fame and fortune quickly, that have all these amazing things, but they are not happy, to the point many take to drugs and alcohol in the hope of finding happiness and many don’t manage to stay alive.
I don’t mean to get all WOO HOO on you, but I really believe that loving who you are…. and where you are right now is the foundation to success and the doorway to the path of least resistance towards achieving your dream life.
So how do you now turn this emotional foundation into positive action on your pathway to your dream life?
You simply need to make these two choices.
I just want to say that these two choices are deceptively simple in their explanation, but they are rare in their execution and that’s why there are very few people who go on to achieve their dream life. The ones that do are the people who stick with them UNTIL they succeed.
First you need to choose UNWAVERING BELIEF.
I mean a belief that’s unbreakable because its imbedded deep in your heart and soul, deep inside your very essence. It’s an unwavering belief that you CAN DO something you have never done before.
Now this type of belief goes against the tide of belief, because if you have never done it before, there is no evidence that you can do it now.
So as a high achiever you need to step out on the ledge and develop a deep unbreakable belief in YOURSELF and your ABILITIES even if that ability right now is simply the ability to do whatever it takes to learn. You need to grow a belief that you CAN achieve something you have never accomplished before.
Now there is a key element to success hidden within this Unwavering Belief…… and that is YOU MUST NUTURE AND MAINTAIN this belief UNTIL and I’ll say it again UNTIL you get where you want to go.
I have included a very simple task in the FREE worksheet that you can DOWNLOAD HERE or from my website at that will help guide you towards nurturing and maintaining this belief.
The second choice…. is a commitment to Extraordinary Effort
Behind every successful idea, invention, business, career, relationship, athlete etc is the unwavering belief that success is inevitable.
So, what does your extraordinary effort need to look like.
Start with clarifying your effort process by defining what you can do CONSISTENTLY each day, each week and each month, the key is what you can do consistently.
Start by writing down what can you commit to each day, both the time and the task. Maybe it starts with just an hour a day working on a single task towards your dream or goal. But you must fully commit to that and then let it grow into extraordinary effort from there.
A real time example of this is when I was building my first Health and Fitness studio, I defined the number of calls I needed to make each and every day to ensure I booked the number of consults that would ultimately make my success inevitable. I then committed to this reoccurring process without exception.
When you have an unwavering belief that you will succeed and you commit to extraordinary effort UNTIL YOU DO SUCCEED you will move your dreams and goals from impossible, to possible, to probable then to inevitable.
In summary, use the FREE worksheet to first help put you into a peak emotional frame of mind, then choose to develop an unwavering belief in yourself your success, and then choose to make extraordinary effort until you do succeed.
Last but not least I strongly advise you to seek out successful mentors to help guide you through as their belief and commitment to extraordinary effort will be contagious.
Wherever you are watching, reading or listening to this I sincerely hope I have helped you in some small way and don’t hesitate to reach out to me or my team if and when you need us.
The world needs inspirational individuals just like you, please help me change the world in a positive way by following me on social.
You can find me on Instagram at coach underscore grazy, that’s coach underscore G R A Z Y
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I’m coach Grazy and I look forward to chatting again next week.
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