Why do most people fail to start

Feb 10, 2022

Why do most people FAIL TO EVEN START….and how to quickly get in the habit of JUST DOING IT.

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Hi everyone, my name is Graham, but my friends call me coachGrazy

First off, I want to congratulate you for being here with me, the fact that you have already taken action tells me you are serious about making a real change.

I’m passionate about this topic because these roadblocks have affected me, in some cases held me back from success for months and even years.

If I can help you to break through the roadblocks so you can just get started at whatever your goal or ambition is, then I know your success will be just around the corner. Again, congratulations for being here, I really do appreciate you, your awesome my friend.

Ok I’m going to share with you the 2 main roadblocks that prevent most people from getting started at anything.

Have you ever had one of those ideas that you are sure will work, something that would change your life, you feel it inside, you know you have the potential to make this thing work happen and if it did things would be awesome?

But that idea still remains just that an idea, I certainly have? I know I have the potential; I’ll get to it one of these days.

Now imagine if you were in the habit of just starting, without any real thought, just starting, every awesome idea that came into your head. Do you think by now one of them would have taken off, imagine what your life would look like and how good you would feel about yourself?

I’m not only going to show you how to recognise and then break through these roadblocks, I’m going to give you 5 simple steps to take away with you. First you need to recognise and accept the roadblocks and then simply implement these 5 steps and things will start changing for you faster than you can imagine.

Let’s not procrastinate any more, no need to overthink this stuff, so let’s just get started.

Roadblock NUMBER 1 …is Procrastination.

Have you ever had even the simplest of tasks to do…? like taking out the rubbish, you know it has to be done, but for some reason you keep putting it off until the last minute, you get distracted by other things which become excuses for not JUST DOING IT.

But it only really takes a few minutes to grab the bin take it outside and walk back in, no big deal really.

So why didn’t you take the bin out the first time the thought entered your head?

The reason is Procrastination is actually a deeply ingrained pattern of behaviour and it’s a massive roadblock to success.

This behavioural habit effects simple everyday tasks and because we continue the behaviour, we reinforce the habit, you would be surprised just how often we all procrastinate, every day.

But the good news is that being a habit means it can stop when you avoid the behaviour on a consistent basis, so take some notes and then follow the steps I’ll give you at the end, so you have the best possible chance of succeeding and breaking the habit of procrastination.

The number one thing you can do to eradicate procrastination is implement the Ready – Fire – Aim Technique. It simply translates to get ready quickly as you can, then Act first FIRE without hesitation, and then make any necessary adjustments later, save the AIM until later.

Anytime you want to reach a goal quickly... act fast, take massive and immediate action and then make any necessary adjustments, correcting mistakes later.

The majority of the population will follow this in reverse, which is unfortunately the most common path to mediocrity, they get trapped in the Ready phase PROCRASTINATING, trying to perfect their aim and never actually having a shot at their target.

I could have spent days or weeks researching this topic, seeking industry feedback, writing scripts, editing the scripts, having others review and comment and then hopefully one day when I felt it was perfect, where I had the bast chance of not be judged or ridiculed by its content or how I delivery it, then on that day I would get to producing and publishing it.

Problem is THAT DAY never comes

I used the get ready quickly, get it out there and ill perfect it later technique and I have this production done in 24 hours.

Now it’s out there ill reviewed the comments and feedback later, make adjustments and reproduce it based on what I have learned, you see the process of me teaching you also teaches me HOW GOOD IS THAT.

Will it be perfect the first time NO, will everyone like it NO, does that matter NO not to me anyway. As long as it helps serve even one person then its successful, even it that one person is me.

I will master this topic and production in time, but I have learned that the faster I start something the faster the related success comes, just get it done and get it out there.

There is obviously a step required before taking the shot, you have to get ready first.

This it can also be referred to as the research phase. It is definitely necessary to do a little research and get ready before you start anything.

You can’t fire into thin air because you won’t hit anything; you first need a target. This is where we discover the ins and outs of what’s necessary to hit that target and reach your goal.

It could be that you have a goal of obtaining your Certification as a Health Industry Professional.

The Ready phase is where you do a little research on the training academy options, the study options such as online verses Face 2 Face, the course content, course costs, etc

But be careful as the ready phase is also where people find their reasons to procrastinate.

Have you ever spent so much time researching an opportunity you came across only to lose the opportunity because you procrastinated for too long? I certainly have.

The number 1 reason for failure to start anything is being stuck in the Ready Phase, it’s like reading 30 dating books before ever dating.

Recognise that the Ready Phase can trap you in the habit of procrastination and squash this habit by TAKING ACTION NOW.

Now is as good a time as ever to start, don’t over think it JUST DO IT.

This is where you charge straight in and take immediate action. Even if you don’t understand the nitty gritty stuff JUST START…. JUST DO IT…..NOW

The best way to master anything is by doing it, adjusting as you learn, then doing it again.

I know so many technical skilled Health Industry Professionals who are flat broke because they never got started in the industry because their fears and procrastination held them back.

I also know people who built 6 figures plus incomes within 12 months of obtaining their Certification because they jumped straight in and started.

The Number 2 Roadblock is FEAR, and its FEAR that feeds procrastination.

Fear is a powerful force. It helps us stay alive and prevents us from doing silly stuff.

However, it also creates a mental block that can prevent you from achieving the life you want and deserve.

Fear has the power to literally kill your ambitions, goals and dreams.

Fear creates excuses that seem legitimate enough so that you’ll either procrastinate or stop taking action all together and go back to your comfort zone, because it feels safe there.

The problem is that most of our fears are subconscious and therefore they are not always easy to identify exactly what type of fears are holding you back.

If you are an adult and you are alive, you have had struggles and setbacks in your life, its normal we all have our stories to tell. Often its these struggles that create the fears that hold us back.

I like everyone have had struggles, some small some large and some that developed fears that had a strong grip on my life. For many years I wanted to quit my lucrative career in corporate finance and follow my passion for health and fitness.

Fear was the main reason I was procrastinating. It was the main reason why I wasn’t working on my highest level or on the highest value activities that would actually help me achieve my goals. Fear was sabotaging my success.

But fortunately, I’ve now learned to use fear as a guide for action — and it now helps me navigate what I should be doing and where I should be going with my life and business. Have I mastered my fears NO, do I recognise them and take steps to ensure they don’t lead to procrastination YES?

I’m going to quickly discuss the 4 main types of Fears that lead to procrastination and then I’m going to give you the 5 simple steps I use to overcome them.

I’m going to cover this in more detail in a future production, for now these 5 steps are your takeaway, so you can take immediate action.


To help you with that you need to be able to recognise the fears that may be leading to your procrastination and holding you back, so ill quickly explain what the 4 main fears are so you can start to recognise and address them which means you can start tapping into your full potential

Fear Number 1: The Fear of Rejection

The fear of rejection is probably the biggest fear out there. We’ve all been rejected at some time in our lives. It lowers our self-esteem and confidence.

Humans are social creatures. We all need other people in order to survive and thrive.

When you stop and think about it, we are all dependent on other people, we need them to up lift us with love and encouragement, but we also need them need them for food, water, and shelter.

It’s because of this instinctive need that we would do anything to be accepted by others, and conversely avoid everything that could possibly mean rejection.

Unfortunately, the fear of rejection causes many people to give up on their dreams and ambitions. They abandon the idea of starting something new or different because their friends aren’t doing it, and they don’t want to stand out.

They don’t start a new career or business because they’re afraid they won’t get the support of their colleagues, friends and family.

Bottom line is to avoid the pain of rejection we do things that aren’t in line with our purpose and mission and that includes procrastinating.

Maybe you’re suffering from this type of fear, I was and still do and I’m here to tell you it is nothing to be ashamed about, it’s human nature, it’s OK we all have this fear.

When you identify and accept your fears…. and that we all have them, only then can you start to overcome them.

Fear Number 2: is the Fear of Failure

The fear of failure is another big reason why many people don’t achieve their best life possible.

In fact, the fear of failure can be so paralysing that people simply decide to do nothing, even though they continue talking about their potential and their goals, they never actually start anything.

By procrastinating we are trying to protect ourselves from ‘real’ failure.

Have you ever said to yourself I could do amazing things if I gave it everything I have and taped into my full potential, which was then followed by a BUT, which leads to an excuse, which leads to procrastination?

As long as you don’t start, you’re at least not confronted by the possibility of ‘real’ failure. You can always refer back to the excuse that you haven’t given it your all yet and that you potentially can do so much better when the time is right. But make no mistake. Not taking action and ‘failing’ to ever start, is a far bigger failure that starting something that fails.
Fear Number 3 is the Fear of Success

The fear of success is often then most misunderstood fear.

I’m assuming, as a Health Industry Professional, you’re all about creating a fit, healthy and financially successful life and you’re already putting in the effort to make this happen by being here with me.

Yet, subconsciously, it’s still possible to fear the success you are actually striving for because success is scary, WHY YOU ASK, it’s because it’s unknown territory.

Fear is there to protect us from the unexpected and so anything unknown is scary. Subconsciously you can keep yourself safe from facing your true limits and the unknown success that comes with that achievement by avoiding opportunities and putting things off.

Fear number 4 is the Fear of Ridicule

This fear has become more common with the growth of Social Media as we are more exposed to the opinions of others and it’s a significant limiting factor for many people.

It’s not limited to social media, it’s there anytime we put ourselves in front of others, running group sessions, 1-1 consultations, giving presentations or speeches etc all this stuff can manifest the Fear of Ridicule.

Maybe you want to start a YouTube channel or record a course on video, but you’re afraid of how you’ll look in front of the camera. Or maybe you want to start a business that some of your friends or family don’t understand, like I did when I quit my high-end corporate finance job to become a Personal Trainer.

In many cases, we fear that the things we do, say or like will be ridiculed and made fun of by other people. This fear will be even bigger if it concerns the opinions of our friends and family.

The fear of ridicule has certainly been a massive subconscious fear for me. When I started my first Personal Training Business and did my first launch at a local sport centre I only had a couple of clients, and they were family and friends.

I feared no one would turn up and that some of my friends and family members would see it as a failure and that they would think I looked like a fool and should have stayed with my old job.

But I did it anyway regardless of the opinion of others, and I have come to accept if you want to achieve great things in life, you have to be willing to look stupid for a while. You have to embrace the fact that you aren’t yet at the level you want to be and that its all part of the success journey.

Only when you accept and embrace this, will you be able to show up with the consistency and authenticity to grow and improve until you eventually don’t ‘look stupid’ anymore.

Everyone who’s ever made it in life or business has faced ridicule and looked like a fool in the opinion of some people. Those who stand out because they are willing to take the initiative, try out new ideas, follow unexplored paths or create a better life for themselves, will always be ridiculed by some along the way.

You to stand out, because you are different, it’s you ambition that confronts others with their own lack of ambition —they’ll have a crack at you by trying to ridicule you because they are trying to protect their own ego and self-esteem, it actually has nothing to do with you.

When you get your head around this its becomes easy to squash this Fear, but that will only happen when you first put yourself out there.

So that’s the end of this presentation and I’m sure you are feeling a bit overwhelmed, so this is what I want you to do right now.

We identified that two main factors in preventing you from starting now are Procrastination and Fear which feeds procrastination.

We now know that procrastination is a habit and like any habit can be broken through consistent positive action.

We know that the biggest step in managing our fears is by identifying them and then accepting them.

Either write down these 5 steps or click on the link below and I’ll send you a PDF transcript of this whole presentation along with the 5 Action Steps.

Step 1 Realise that everyone has fears, its perfectly normal. I know that sounds simple but when you accept that your fears are natural, and everyone has them your mind can far more easily accept them. Put this in your diary or daily mantra so you remind yourself of this every day.

Step 2 Identify and write down 3 of your fears, be honest with yourself and be detailed in your description. By writing them down you confront them, when they are no longer hiding in the shadows they are not as scary and often lose all their power over you.

Step 3 For each of your fears write down the worst cases scenario, as I assure you the subconscious mind always dramatically overestimates our fears.

Step 4 Using your list turn the fear into a Gratitude. For example, I am fearful of starting a new business. Turn this into, I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to start a new business, most people never will. Gratitude is an extremely powerful weapon against fear.

Step 5 Start Now, JUST DO IT, take massive action without overthinking it. Action KILLS FEAR, so TAKE MASSIVE ACTION NOW and kill the fear before it leads to procrastination.

When you learn how to Identify and face your fears and implement Ready-Fire-Aim, you will begin to break the habit of procrastination, and I assure you the sooner you start the sooner the momentum kicks in, and success comes quickly after.

Wherever you are watching, reading or listening to this I sincerely hope I have helped you in some small way and don’t hesitate to reach out to me or my team if and when you need us. 

The world needs inspirational individuals just like you, please help me change the world in a positive way by following me on social. 

You can find me on Instagram at coach underscore grazy, that’s coach underscore G R A Z Y 

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Coach, Mentor, Business Advisor 
On Top Performance Academy 

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I’m coach Grazy and I look forward to chatting again next week.

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