Stop thinking backwards LOOK FORWARD

Apr 22, 2022

Stop thinking backwards LOOK FORWARD

This is what I mean by that.

Michael Jordan is one of the best basketball players of all time, but did you know he has missed more that 9,000 shots in his career, he lost over 300 games and twenty-six times he was trusted to take the game winning shot and he failed. But he went on to achieve amazing success.

Did you know that Thomas Edison conducted 1,000 failed experiments but what happened on experiment one thousand and one changed the world, he created the light blob?


Every time you try and then fail you are one step closer to your success.

Without risking failure, you probably won’t even start, and that’s why taking risks, failing and looking forward without thinking backwards is incredibly important when it comes to financial and emotional success. And this is why.

First you have to accept that you will fail at some point in your life. I assure you that more than once you will suck at something, you will make a fool of yourself, you will embarrass yourself, you will lose……. and you will absolutely suffer because of something you did, said or had happen to you. There is no doubt about it.


When you start building a new career or side hustle, start working for yourself or go into business you fail all the time, that’s an unavoidable part of the journey, you have to accept it.

Early on in my career I invested in a business that was owned and operated by a family friend, a perfect investment I thought. I had recently left a successful career in commercial finance and had invested a lot of my payout money in this business, I’m talking millions.

At the same time, I am starting an exciting new business of my own in the Health and Fitness Industry and the intention was to use the income from the investment to finance this new venture. Shortly after the Global Finance Crisis hits and the investment fails, and I lose everything… But the reason why I’m standing here today is because I didn’t quit. I did not think backwards, I stood up, dusted myself off KEPT LOOKING FORWARD and got ready for the next step forward, and the next step forward and the next step forward and do know what happened.

I continued to fail and fail and fail, but I didn’t matter because I knew if I hang around the candy shop long enough, I am going to get some candy.

If we just keep looking and moving forward things will change and it did for me.

I am now a partner in one of Australia’s longest serving and most amazing Health and Fitness Training Academies, I am the father of 2 beautiful healthy boys, I live on an incredible 10-acre property in the hinterland of the spectacular Gold Coast in Australia.

Is life still challenging me and am I still failing HELL YES but I’m always looking forward.

Regardless of what you are studying in the Health and Fitness Industry, every graduate has the training and talent to succeed……. but do you have the guts to fail?

This is really important to embrace and understand, if you are not failing, you are not trying hard enough.

This is one of my absolute favourite sayings:

“To get something you never had you have to do something you never did” LOOK FORWARD

I going to end on with something I learnt from Les Brown a great motivational speaker I admire. I want you to imagine you’re on your death bed and surrounding you are the ghosts of your unfulfilled potential, the ghosts of the ideas you never acted on, the ghosts of the talent you didn’t use, and they are angry and disappointed and upset because you never brought them to life and now, they have to go to the grave together with you.

I want you to ask yourself, how many of these ghosts are going to be around your death bed when your time comes?

Stop thinking backwards and LOOK FORWARD

Wherever you are watching, reading or listening to this I sincerely hope I have helped you in some small way and don’t hesitate to reach out to me or my team if and when you need us. 

The world needs inspirational individuals just like you, please help me change the world in a positive way by following me on social. 

You can find me on Instagram at coach underscore grazy, that’s coach underscore G R A Z Y 

Access opportunities, tips, and honest direct advice, simply follow me on: 





Coach, Mentor, Business Advisor 
On Top Performance Academy 


EM:         [email protected] 

I’m coach Grazy and I look forward to chatting again next week.

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