Where to invest your time, energy and money!

Jun 09, 2022

Have you invested your time, money and energy in the right places so far, and where should you invest it tomorrow? 

Hi everyone, my name is Graham, but my friends call me coachGrazy 

First off, I want to congratulate you for being here with me, the fact that you have already taken action tells me you are serious about making a real change and identifying exactly where you should be investing your time, money and energy.  

Whilst you are on your journey to achieving whatever your goal or ambition is, if I can help you find clarity as to where to exactly to invest your time, money and energy and in doing so save you time, money and energy, then I know your success will be just around the corner.  

Again, congratulations for being here, I really do appreciate you my friend and I sincerely value your time so I’m going to be as efficient as possible in this short presentation.  

I’m going to share with you where most people entering the health and fitness industry actually invest their time, money and energy and why it prevents most people from reaching their goals as quickly as they should.  

Have you ever built a house, or have you ever dreamed about building your own home? Imagine for a moment what this amazing dream home of yours looks and feels like. 

Now imagine you are ready to start building… do you just move ahead without getting a professional to help you lay a strong foundation that will support this dream house of yours and keep it safe for years to come. 

Now imagine you are about to build your dream career or business, have you also considered what type of foundation you need to ensure it will support you and keep you safe and secure for years to come.  

What you will learn today is how to spend your time, money and energy efficiently and effectively, which in turn ensures you are building a strong and safe foundation to launch or grow your business or career. I assure you when that’s done right things get real exciting real fast. 

OK there are three key elements to consider when investing your time, money and energy in the development of a professional and profitable Health Industry career or business, they are Professional Development, Personal Development and Business Development. 

Professional Development is where you are gaining then continually improving your technical skills, it may be from taking courses, or reading a book on nutrition, it could be from attending fitness expos and seminars, networking with other professionals, researching and visiting other facilities, anything where you are continually improving and updating your technical skills, things like programming skills, or maybe learning a new niche like Primal Movement, Nutrition or Advanced Programming. 

Personal Development is where you are spending time energy and money working on growing yourself as a person, reading or listening to audio books from people like Dale Carnegie who wrote a world-famous book called How to win friends and influence people, or listening to Podcasts from leaders in the personal development space like Tony Robins or Brendon Buchard, or following me and others on social. 

Personal Development is also about how you take care of yourself physically and mentally; do you schedule enough time for yourself to relax and recharge, do you meditate, do you find time to work out and stay fit?  

Burnout in our industry is one of the main causes of people not reaching their full potential. When you are mentally and physically fit and strong you can more easily carry the weight of others and also the weight of building your career or business. You really do need to be strong of mind and body to create your world of financial and time freedom 

Business Development is where you are investing in the skills required to build and grow not only a profitable business or lucrative career, it is also about building an income that provides a lifestyle that enables you to live a full, free and balanced life. 

Now I’ll give you some statistics that are the norm for people starting out in the Health and Fitness Industry, logically to begin with 80% of your time, energy and money is spent on professional development whilst you gain your accreditations, weather that be a Cert III and IV in Fitness or a Degree in nutrition, sports science, physiotherapy etc.  

Very few people invest much time, money or energy in Personal Development or Business Development while they are gaining their credentials and if they do it will be mainly in the personal development space. 

Now this is ok in the early stages of your journey into the industry however your mental and physical health and strength combined with your ability to generate enough money for you to continue to grow personally and professionally really is the foundation for your success. 

As I mentioned earlier you would not start building your dream house without first building a strong foundation yet many of us try and build our professional careers or businesses without investing in a strong, safe and secure income, along with a fit and strong mind and body, which is exactly the foundation we all need to succeed. 

What I want you to do now is pause this presentation and download the worksheet I have created for you. There are a few simple tasks on it that will take you only 9 Minutes in total to complete. Do this now and then come back to the presentation. 

Welcome back, if you completed the worksheet accurately and honestly you will now have some degree of clarity as to where you are currently investing your time energy and money.  

Now there is no exact science in what I’m about to tell you but there is over 30 years of experience. 

My formula for success when it comes to apportioning your time, energy and money is: 

During the first two thirds of your learning phase, which is where you are focusing on professional development by studying and gaining your credentials. Spend 70% of your time energy and money on your studies.  

Consider the career and business stuff but leave the execution of your career or commercial plans until you are two thirds of the way through your initial Professional Development. I teach this because as people begin to fully understand the skills and abilities their initial education provides virtually 100% of the time their original plans and ideas of how they will monetise their skills change. 

Then when you are two thirds of your way through your studies, shift to 60% of your time, energy and money on your studies which is your professional development, 25% on Personal Development and 15% on Business Development. Now the 15% on business development is where you focus on the research phase, considering and mapping out your options and pathway into the industry of your choice. 

When you have completed your studies shift to investing 60% of your time, energy and money on building your career or business, 25 % on your personal development and 15% on professional development.  

Now people always ask me, why only 15% on professional development at this stage, well the answer is that you have just completed your studies and believe me mastering those skills you have just obtained will be enough for you to deal with whilst you are laying the foundation for your career or business to grow. 

This is not a one shoe fits all formula but is definitely one that has succeeded for me personally and has served thousands of others very well.  

Now it’s a fact that a confused and or overwhelmed mind stands still. Whenever you are feeling confused or overwhelmed do a quick review of where you are investing your time, energy and money by completing the attached worksheet and then realign it with exactly where you are on your journey. This simple strategy will help you regain clarity. 

This is a condensed version of how I usually teach this but I’m sure if you made it this far it will have provided some value to you. 

Wherever you are watching, reading or listening to this I sincerely hope I have helped you in some small way and don’t hesitate to reach out to me or my team if and when you need us. 

The world needs inspirational individuals just like you, please help me change the world in a positive way by following me on social. 

You can find me on Instagram at coach underscore grazy, that’s coach underscore G R A Z Y 

Access opportunities, tips, and honest direct advice, simply follow me on: 

Instagram:            www.instagram.com/coach_grazy 

Facebook:             www.facebook.com/coachgrazy 

YouTube:               www.coachgrazy.com.au/blog 


Coach, Mentor, Business Advisor 
On Top Performance Academy 

WEB:      www.coachgrazy.com 

EM:         [email protected] 

I’m coach Grazy and I look forward to chatting again next week.

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