Your Copywriting Superpower
Apr 28, 2022Today we are going to talk about why learning some simple skills of copywriting is one of the most valuable things you can do for yourself.
In this video I’m going to explain why developing your copywriting skill is your pathway to mastering effective communication and the art of persuasion….
Regardless of what it is that you want to do or become in this world, I assure you when you implement this stuff there is nothing other that will have as big an impact on your ability to achieve your goals.
When you are building your career or business, effective communication and the art of persuasion is paramount to your success.
When it comes to building a process for generating leads, booking consultations converting sales and generating income, mastering effective communication and the art of persuasion can be one of the more challenging things to grow but is so much more important than some of the other technical things you need to learn.
What you are about to learn and discover will become your businesses superpower.
Now most people who come into the Health and Fitness Industry are doing so as a new thing… they are coming into it from other industries or career paths and they are doing it because they want a sense of freedom, they want a sense of control and they want to help and serve others and get paid for it…. Most are not coming from a space that is familiar with the skills of copywriting and attraction marketing, so by giving you this information you are going to have an advantage over most of your competition and most of the people that you will be working against in this business world.
Today I’m going to introduce you to this topic and give you FREE worksheet with some simple steps to get you started.
I like to call copywriting salesmanship in print.
The principles of salesmanship in print I’m going to touch on have been around since sales began and they will stay the same regardless of what changes occur in marketing mediums like social media platforms and all the other places that you can be seen and heard.
So giving you these principles means you will have a superpower that no one can ever take this away from you.
OK what we are trying to achieve with authentic, ethical, well scripted and well-designed copy is simply to………… INFLUENCE OUR AUDIENCE and INSPIRE ACTION.
When you convert your traditional thinking of advertising and reframe it as the idea of being a salesperson in print where you discover what the best course of action for your prospect is, this whole copywriting thing becomes a lot less intimidating.
So, let’s have a look at the key factors you need to consider regardless of the medium you will be using your copy…. and when you see how simple these are you will see why this is achievable by anyone…. You really don’t need a master’s degree in English or need to be a marketing expert to be good at copywriting. Just start with these principles.
The principles are…… Number one is to understand why people buy and why they don’t, Number two is never try to sell the unsellable, the third principle is to understand where the message is in relationship to your audience, The forth is to target your copy at the 6th grade and the last is quite simply to listen…. So, let’s have a look at each one of these.
The first is to understand why people buy and why they don’t
If a person BELIEVES a purchase will SOLVE A PROBLEM or MEET A NEED they have, and the price is LESS VALUABLE than the result they are getting…..THEY WILL BUY…… however if one or more of these things is not true THEY WONT BUY
Principle number two is don’t sell the unsellable…….. it is MUCH more profitable to find MORE BUYERS than to spend time trying to convert NO BUYERS…. If someone says NO…. Move on……. If someone IGNORES YOU.. Move on…. If on the other hand someone says MAYBEE… Move in
Principle three is to understand where the message is in relationship to your audience… you need to look at the types of platforms you use to promote yourself and then try to match those platforms, for example Facebook is to connect with your friends, it’s to spy on family and workmates, it’s for groups you are a part of and for communities that you have created, this is important to understand because when you write copy you are putting it in front of people who are on this platform to catch up with friends or distract themselves from work. Each medium has individual characteristics and elements that are different from the other, so we need to treat them in different ways when it comes to articulating our message.
Now the next one is a bit hard to believe buts its ABSOLUTELY TRUE and it’s the reason why anyone can write copy that converts
It is a scientific fact that the average western english speaking person communicates EASIEST between the 4th and 6th grade reading level.
Now this absolutely does not mean that they are not educated or stupid.
Communication at this level makes it easy to understand without a lot of mental effort, it our brains default position when it comes to communication, it’s the path of least resistance…. which is beneficial for you as a copy writer because you don’t want them to have to work hard to understand your message.
People are not going to pay attention to your message if they can’t easily understand it or have to work hard to understand it.
Copywriting should be nothing more than communicating with people in the simplest possible way, anyone can be a copy writer, because anyone who passed 4th or 6th grade can communicate with another human being at that level. It’s the simple street language that makes you trust people, it’s the ums and the R’s, maybe a grammar mistake, because keeping it simple and real IS WHAT MATTERS MOST.
And the last principle is to listen to understand.
The key to becoming a great communicator and an awesome salesperson is to listen 80% of the time, it litterly means asking questions and then shutting up and listening to the answers, then ask more questions to get your prospect to respond and go deeper into what they are talking about.
Obviously, copywriting is in print and you can’t go back and forth with your prospect as you would if you were talking directly with them, but what you can do is invest your time listening to your audience before you start writing, because you want your copy to respond to the conversations your audience is having in their own mind and with the people around them…. You need to respond as if you have been listening for a long time.
So, let’s wrap this up, the first thing you want to do is create copy and content that is designed to get an outcome from your audience and to achieve this we need to follow clear and proven principles, do your research, listen to your audience, keep the copy simple and repeat this over and over again and you will master your superpower.
Wherever you are watching, reading or listening to this I sincerely hope I have helped you in some small way and don’t hesitate to reach out to me or my team if and when you need us.
The world needs inspirational individuals just like you, please help me change the world in a positive way by following me on social.
You can find me on Instagram at coach underscore grazy, that’s coach underscore G R A Z Y
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I’m coach Grazy and I look forward to chatting again next week.
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